Update - Skiing

The last skiing trip was arranged for March 2020 – a period of time etched in all our memories for the introduction of lockdowns and working-from-home – when everything changed.


Paul Johnston-Knight, the Skiing Section’s Secretary is confident that things are now as back to normal as they are going to be and so he is keen to organise a Skiing Section trip in 2023. Currently he is looking at after the school’s half-term, perhaps late February or early March, and is proposing a five-day trip encompassing a weekend and three weekdays, with two travel days and three full days’ skiing, either Wed-Sun or Sat-Wed. He is planning to book somewhere in Austria – Salzburg or Tirol – as it is the alpine region he knows best.


Paul states that the numbers and locations of those coming, as well as availability, will of course affect flight routes, where and how the group will stay in resort. There will be a PICT-supporting charity element to the trip and this will be built into the costs. Of course, he will keep costs to a minimum but this sporting section will encourage and further the charity work just like the others do.


However, Paul states that the first task is to garner interest in such a trip and therefore he asks you to email Anne James (anne@pictuk.com) to indicate your positive interest in such an event, subject, of course, to suitable dates and costs.


Paul looks forward to hearing who is keen and able to take part in this trip.